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Selling Guide

  • Address maintenance issues, defects, and make necessary improvements to enhance the property’s appeal.
  • Present the property attractively through fresh paint, thorough cleaning, and maintaining a tidy garden (if applicable).
  • Create an emotional connection with potential buyers through effective marketing, staging, and highlighting unique features.
  • Engage a real estate consultant to conduct a market appraisal and determine the appropriate pricing for your property based on factors such as location, development, and property type.
  • Utilize online tools and resources like to gather valuable information on recent transactions and rental data, enabling you to make informed pricing decisions and develop a strategic approach to selling your home.
  • List your property for sale by signing Form A with the Dubai Land Department and providing necessary documents. This contract outlines the terms and is a legal requirement.
  • Implement effective marketing strategies, including professional photos, compelling descriptions, and utilizing various channels, to maximize exposure and attract potential buyers.
  • Showing the property to potential buyers involves arranging viewings, providing information, answering questions, and facilitating negotiations to ensure a smooth buying experience while granting the agent easy access and necessary documentation.
  • Negotiations between the buyer and seller, facilitated by their agents, determine the price and terms. Agents use data trends and facts to reach a mutually satisfactory price. An MOU or Form/Contract F is signed electronically, with the buyer providing a 10% security deposit. A detailed schedule outlines the transaction process.
  • If you are a mortgage seller, the buyer must settle your outstanding mortgage before the property transfer can take place.


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