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Secondary Buying Guide

  • Consider the affordability factors such as agency fee (2%) and transfer fee (4%)
  • Calculate your budget carefully, including down payment and interest on mortgage
  • Get pre-approved as a finance buyer to establish your budget and strengthen your position
  • Find a trustworthy real estate agent and company to assist you
  • Provide detailed information about your budget, preferences, and requirements to your agent
  • Schedule appointments to view properties that align with your budget and requirements
  • Submit your offer in writing with a 10% deposit check for higher acceptance chances
  • Sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) once the offer is agreed upon
  • Proceed with the sales progression process, involving the bank for mortgage-related steps
  • Apply for the No Objection Certificate (NOC) at the developer’s office
  • Pay any necessary fees and settle outstanding service charges
  • Transfer ownership at the Dubai Land Department office
  • Make payment via a manager’s check for the purchase price, transfer fee, and administrative fee
  • Receive a new title deed in the buyer’s name
  • Settle any overpaid service charges between the buyer and seller on a pro-rata basis.


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