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UAE Real Estate Market Poised for Growth Driven by Luxury Properties and High Net Worth Interest

by rayan on June 11, 2024

Meta Description: Discover why the UAE real estate market is projected to reach AED2.6 trillion by next year driven by high net worth individuals’ interest in luxury properties in Dubai. Learn about the latest trends and opportunities from our experts.


The UAE real estate market is set to reach new heights, with projections showing that it will grow up to AED2.6 trillion by the end of next year. This growth is driven by the strong demand for luxury properties from high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) who are drawn to the glamour and opulence of Dubai’s real estate market.

Dubai continues to spearhead this growth, with transactions exceeding $10 million growing rapidly. In Q1 2024, the city sold 105 luxury homes, bringing it closer to the record of 431 luxury home transactions set last year. This growth rate surpasses prime markets such as New York and London.

As the number of wealthy individuals entering Dubai grows, the projected 24.6% increase in HNWIs by 2025 indicates a positive future for both the ultra-luxury and overall real estate markets. Investors from around the world are drawn to Dubai’s offerings, making it a highly attractive market. In fact, many ultra-high-net-worth clients are choosing to relocate to or establish a presence in Dubai.

Our experts at [Your Real Estate Company] are equipped to help you leverage this dynamic market by providing in-depth advice on the ‘true’ ‘ultra-prime’ segment of the market. With our global experience and expertise, we can help you identify and secure prime residential development offerings. Seize the opportunity to grow your real estate investment in Dubai by partnering with us. Contact us today!





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