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Dubai Land Department signs three deals to empower real estate training

by rayan on October 4, 2023
Dubai Land Department signs three deals to empower real estate training
  1. The Dubai Land Department has entered into memorandums of cooperation with three real estate training institutes: Elite Gulf Real Estate Training Institute, Innovation Experts Real Estate Training Institute, and ThinkProp Training Institute.
  2. The goal of these collaborations is to advance real estate training in Dubai and enhance service efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall service quality in line with international best practices.
  3. The signing ceremony was attended by Eng. Marwan bin Ghalita, CEO of the Real Estate Regulatory Agency, along with representatives from the three training institutes.
  4. These alliances support the strategic goals of the UAE and aim to promote innovation and sustainability within the real estate sector.
  5. The Dubai Land Department is committed to strengthening partnerships with the private sector to provide proactive and client-centered real estate services.
  6. The memorandums of cooperation will empower individuals and stakeholders in the real estate industry by offering cutting-edge training methods and credentials.
  7. Accreditation has been granted to the three real estate institutions to offer training courses and seminars for the industry.
  8. The signatory institutes are dedicated to increasing awareness among real estate investors, property owners, and industry professionals through awareness campaigns and the dissemination of expertise.
  9. Efforts will be focused on developing diverse real estate training programs to align with local and international standards, including programs that enhance knowledge of rights and obligations in the industry.
  10. The memorandums also aim to introduce new initiatives and foster innovation in smart and digital services in Dubai’s real estate sector, enhancing operational effectiveness and service delivery in alignment with the city’s vision for global leadership in real estate.




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